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This was also published in the Idaho Standard Journal.

Classic movies focus of area class

Posted: Thursday, September 25, 2014 11:09 am

ST ANTHONY—South Fremont Junior High School offers an elective course called Classic Movie Appreciation.

Sixth-grade students were placed in a unique class where they watch and analyze movies released between 1930-1975. Some students had never seen a black and white movie until they took this class.

This class has a large entertainment factor, but is also designed to teach students about cultural awareness and sharpen their analytical skills. It is part of the school’s “Hands-on learning” curriculum, which is designed to teach students valuable skills and knowledge in an entertaining way.

“It goes hand in hand with social studies,” says Classic Movie Appreciation teacher Marilyn Stone. “We learn about the cultures and it gives them [the students] practice analysis.”

The students learn about what events were happening when the film was made. The students also analyze the various aspects of the film such as acting, costumes, sets, special effects and give their own rating from 1-10.

“We learn to analyze and predict what’s going to happen in the movies we haven’t seen,” says student Brynlei Gould.

“It’s fun analysis,” says Stone. “It’s different from reading a book or reading a poem.”

Students have also been known to watch the movies they saw in class with their families at home. Since all the movies are appropriate, it makes for a fun and wholesome family activity. Mrs. Stone also said that students have been known to obtain their own copies of the movies after they watched them in class because they enjoyed them so much.

When student Adamaris Benitez was asked if she would watch these movies with her parents she responded, “Yes, because [the movies] are fun.”

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