Winding Up to the Election

Hey all,

I’ve been trying to follow this election as best as I can. Like many others I am quite concerned about the outcome of the election, and I have been aware of the divide that has been quite prominent throughout this whole election. I felt like now is a time for me to share what stance I have taken, why my stance is what it is, and how I came to it.

So let’s get to it.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are easily the worst candidates that America has seen from both major political parties. Hillary belongs in jail, and Trumps belongs in anger management. I find myself disagreeing greatly with both of them.


I’m not for Trump. I find him rude, obnoxious, and I think most of his ideas are quite outrageous. He certainly has a temper, disrespects women, and is in great need of knowing the meaning of the phrase “blanket statement.” Perhaps his biggest problem is that his mouth is consistently two steps ahead of his brain. Were he able to think before saying anything , my opinion is he’d be doing a lot better.


While I may not be for Trump, I am CERTAINLY against Hillary Clinton. In a career spanning 30 years, it has been marred by scandal after scandal. I believe Hillary is a chronic liar and deserves to be roasted by the laws she believes she is above. She sells her friends and ethics at the cost of earning votes. She is constantly dodging the press because she knows that she cannot answer their questions. She keeps herself in the dark, while abusing power and finding ways to sneak away from the law. I agree with something Trump frequently states, “Hillary Clinton would be four more years of Obama.” I’m not happy with the way the government has functioned for the past eight years, and Hillary continues to embody the philosophy of ignoring the big problems that has been brought on by the current system.

So, does this mean that I’m going to vote for Trump? My answer is a firm YES but with a grain of salt.

Trump’s personality is an obstacle and a concern. But despite him consistently making an idiot of himself, he knows how to make up for mistakes. The past will continue to haunt him as surely it haunts Hillary Clinton, but unlike Clinton, Trump does not seek to worm his way out of every scandal that hits him. He either vehemently denies, and that’s the end of it, or explains that it’s true and moves on. Also unlike the scandals that bombard Clinton, any scandal that comes to life regarding Trump has only been a mark on his personality. Any scandal that hits Clinton is a mark on her performance as a politician.

So, there are TWO reasons, and two reasons only, why my vote would go to Trump over Hillary.

Reason One) Trump is not a career politician. Constantly throughout his campaign he has been telling the American people (very bluntly) about how upset he is with the current situation. This has rallied a great number of Americans who feel the same way. This has been quite a rude awakening for the elected officials in D.C. that an outsider has made it this far.And it’s not just the Trump campaign that has caused this stir. Bernie Sanders had the same argument that the current system does not work, albeit he had a very different approach. But it shows to the politicians (Democrats and Republicans) that we Americans are done with how they have been running things.

Trump has not been a Republican his whole life, and he hardly counts as one now. But because he knows how the “Pay to Play” system works in the government, he knows how to sell ideas and policies to politicians so that they’ll get what he wants passed. Now on the campaign trail, Trump has worked both sides of the system. He has at least a basic understanding of where things have gone wrong. I too am of the opinion that the way the American government is running is not good, and it gives me a little pit of pleasure to see Washington shaken so.

Reason 2) Trump’s economic plan. This is the only policy that he has really won me over. After reading his economic plan side-by-side with Clinton’s, it was an easy decision for me. Yeah, there may some kinks in his business background…but that’s the spirit of capitalism, you win some you lose some. Regardless, for Trump’s financial empire to become what it is has taken hard work, and has not been an easy path. He’s a man who knows how to run a large economy, and therefore I say he is the best suited to help the current state of the U.S. economy.

But the biggest reason why his economic plan wins we over is how it affects me directly. Without giving you an exact number, I make a little less than $40 a year. I am a working, single man, so under Trump’s plan I would pay 6% in taxes (if I get married, it would then go up to 12%). Hillary Clinton actually has not stated numbers for low to middle class incomes. Her plan is all about the big businesses and 99% paying their “fair share.” So, until an actual number is given, I’ll just keep Hillary Clinton’s plan at the standing tax which is 15% for me. A 9% cut in my taxes is certainly a help for me, especially where I am in life: just out of college, starting my career, slowly saving for retirement, will need to save money for a house and kid’s education. If I can get off to a good economic starting now, it will really help me in the future.

To reiterate, Trump’s economic plan and the fact that he is not a career politician are the only reasons he has my vote. I plan on writing a couple more posts before the election, but for now I thought I’d lay the foundation of where I stand.

If you stuck around to read this far, big thank you!